At ERMIS, we unravel the complexities of corporate insurance amidst the dense jungle of risk management. Join us as we guide you through the tangled vines of insurance concepts and coverages.

insurance basics


EMBARK on a journey of insurance know-how

Delve into the core principles of corporate insurance, covering essential concepts like insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity. Lay a solid foundation of knowledge to navigate the complexities of the insurance terrain confidently.

Learn the art of risk management and discover effective strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate risks in your business. Our resources provide valuable insights to help you navigate the uncertain landscape of corporate risks.


EXPLORE the nuances of corporate insurance

Get insights into specialized insurance products designed to safeguard against specific risks and uncertainties. From ensuring the safety of your assets to protecting against unforeseen liabilities, each type offers a unique layer of security, allowing you to mitigate risks with confidence.

Explore detailed coverage options and learn how to tailor policies to fit the unique needs of your business. Stay ahead of potential threats and ensure your business’s resilience with our expert guidance and resources.

corporate insurance

Supply Chain Insurance

Hull Insurance

Project Insurance

Liability Insurance

Protection & Indemnity Insurance

Property & Business Interruption Insurance

insurance courses


ELEVATE your professional career

Explore our range of courses designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in corporate insurance. Whether you’re looking to start from scratch or take your expertise to the next level, our courses offer comprehensive learning experiences.

Our interactive courses include real-world examples, case studies, and practical exercises, ensuring you can apply your knowledge effectively. 

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Section : FAQ

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EXEMPLARY feedback from industry leaders

There are hardly two-three enterprise Insurance Education institutes in the country. I know for a fact that all the students from these institutes get absorbed in the Industry. The ERMIS College started by Mr. Ramesh and Mr. A.W.J. Fernandez (Tony) proposes to go one step further by making the course more attractive for easier learning and application oriented: i.e. how to write an Insurance policy, Survey report, Underwriting report etc. They teach Insurance with their "360 Degree familiarity"- in the process the students learn Banking, Supply Chain and Customs along with all gamut of Insurance. Students become more Application oriented in the field. It will not be an exaggeration that the students taught by ERMIS even get to better job positions in insurance industry in medium term. Mr.Fernandez is the Dronacharya of Marine Insurance and he is a great asset for ERMIS.
Nagarajan Girishankar
Mr. Nagarajan Girishankar
Director at Pioneer Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Pvt Ltd
ERMIS, an Initiative of Proclaim Energy Pvt Ltd has started Enterprise Risk Management & Insurance Courses under the leadership of Sh. S. Ramesh. I have worked under the leadership of Sh Ramesh in India and abroad on several big projects and was able to resolve tough risk management/insurance issues, such as subrogation required by Owners under the BIMCO C/P, Delay Start Up cover and many more. I can assure that the course will impart the best knowledge possible on enterprise insurance, given the depth of ERMIS’ team. I can foresee that its students will get employed in corporates in Insurance & Risk management areas easily. Corporates struggle due to lack of adequate knowledge & ability in this field and the proposed courses by ERMIS will fill this gap for them.
Kailash Pathak
Mr. Kailash Pathak
Head of Supply Chain Management for Staples Business, Reliance Retail Limited
I am happy to be associated with ERMIS which wants to significantly improve the Enterprise Risk & Insurance education, compared to other courses on Insurance in India. I see this proposed course to be a stepping stone for future Insurance leaders, as ERMIS wants to give 360-degree learning experience. Coupled with good practical knowledge in policy writing, survey reports & underwriting reports, the candidates will have an edge, even as entrants in industry.
R Balasundaram
Mr. R Balasundaram
Senior Advisor (Corporate Risk Broking) Willis Towers Watson and Secretary General, Insurance Brokers Association
I know Mr. S. Ramesh and Mr Tony Fernandez for a very long time in my profession as a Maritime & Insurance Lawyer for Reliance Industries Limited. Having been trained at Lloyd’s Maritime Academy, England and handled all types of Maritime and Marine insurance complex claims issues, I am of the view that ERMIS Institution's initiative to teach Enterprise Risk Management & Insurance is not only timely but also very good initiative as corporate insurance in India lacks good calibre professionals. I observe from ERMIS's course plan that they cover Marine Hull, Cargo, Projects, Property, Liability & Off-shore Operations extensively. I am yet tosee a similar course plan with any other Institution in India. Both Mr. S. Ramesh & Mr. Tony Fernandez are fully capable to deliver these courses to create a good number of Enterprise Insurance professionals in India. I would also recommend this to many of my fellow lawyers, maritime Arbitrators who are starting their career to meet Insurance Industry's increasing demand.
Niranjan Chakraborty
Mr. Niranjan Chakraborty
Maritime & Insurance Lawyer and Maritime Arbitrator Mumbai
I know Mr. S.Ramesh and his capabilities for a long time. This course for two years he has planned through ERMIS is indeed very promising. It does give very good opportunity for the youth entering industry in Insurance. There is a lack of capable Marine Insurance people not only in India, even world-wide. Therefore, I see a great potential for people getting qualified after 2 years from the 2 Years PGDM Course by ERMIS to get good jobs in Insurance Industry. These Youth will also have overseas job opportunities, as the course syllabus covers international exposure quite a great deal.
Narendranath B Menon
Mr. Narendranath B Menon
Marine & Energy Loss Adjuster Marine Consultant & Insurance Loss Adjustor, N.B Menon & Associates, Ex-Director J.B Boda Group
Proclaim Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors Private Limited has associated with Mr. S. Ramesh to create ERMIS Institution. The Institution is formed with a focus to impart outstanding Risk Management & Insurance education to interested participants. The Institute programs are structured around imparting practical knowledge to graduates to ensure real and specific industry knowledge is provided, to professionals like Lawyers, Engineers and Chartered Accountants, amongst other professions and skill sets. It is common knowledge that there is lack of education and skill development within the Insurance Section, especially with respect to Enterprise Risk Management and Insurance Practices, within India and globally. This is the main driver for the courses that are being structured and considered.
Govinder Kapoor
Mr. Govinder Kapoor
Chairman, Proclaim Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors Pvt. Ltd


EXPERIENCES shared by our students

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